Tim Pool Bio, Wiki, Personal life, Career, Net Worth, Wife, Social media And More


Tim Pool, known for his stint as a host at VICE media, has transitioned into a prominent figure on YouTube and journalism. His work has garnered attention from various global media platforms like FastCompany, NBC, The Guardian, The New York Times, and Reuters.

Who is Tim Pool?

Tim Pool, known to many as Tim, is a journalist, commentator, and YouTuber hailing from Chicago, born on March 9, 1986. Growing up in an average family, his dad was a firefighter, and his mom sold cars. Tim wasn’t interested in school for very long; at the age of 14, he dropped out to pursue his career aspirations in entertainment.

His breakthrough occurred in 2011 among the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Everyone was captivated by Tim’s live-streaming of the event, and he even got featured on NBC. From there, he carved out his niche, blending social and mainstream media in his reporting style.

Tim’s worked with big names like Vice Media and Fusion TV, always pushing the boundaries of journalism. He even bagged a Shorty Award for his social media journalism chops. Then, he launched his own media venture, ‘Subverse’, which blew minds by raising $1 million in just 22 hours through crowdfunding.

Tim is a YouTube superstar these days, with channels including “Cast Castle,” “Timcast IRL,” and “Timcast.” In addition to hosting podcasts and sharing details about his personal life, he offers political opinion. His channels, which have 1.35 million subscribers, are proof of his power in the media industry.

Tim’s ability to connect with audiences on various platforms and his commitment to his profession are the reasons behind his success. He is a formidable presence in both print and digital media.

Tim Pool Biography

Timothy Daniel Pool, or as most people know him, Tim Pool, came into this world on March 9, 1986, right in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. He had your typical middle-class upbringing, with a firefighter dad and a mom who sold cars. School was okay for a bit, but by the time he hit fifth grade, Tim was itching for something different.

He chose to follow his passion of being an entertainer at the age of 14. In Newport News, Virginia, he was spending time with his brother prior to being involved in the Occupy Movement. He was, like, recording these sick skateboarding vids and picking up a guitar. Aren’t surprises a big part of life?

Tim Pool Wiki

Full NameTimothy Daniel Pool
Age38 years old
Date of BirthMarch 9, 1986
Birth PlaceChicago, Illinois, United States
Height5 ft 10 in (179 cm)
Weight82 kg (180 lbs)
Eye ColorDark Brown
Hair ColorBlack
Marital StatusSingle

Tim Pool Age

The well-known journalist, pundit, and YouTuber Tim Pool is 38 years old. On March 9, 1986, he was born in Chicago, Illinois.

Tim Pool Height

Tim Pool is five feet ten inches (179 cm) tall.

Tim Pool Family

Tim Pool was raised in a middle-class family in Chicago, Illinois. His mother was a car salesperson, while his father was a firefighter.

Tim Pool Personal Life

Tim Pool’s roots trace back to Chicago, Illinois, where he entered the world. Growing up, he was part of a middle-class family, with a dad who battled fires and a mom who sold cars. Despite not being born into wealth, Tim had a fire in his belly to carve out success for himself and make his parents proud.

Now, when it comes to Tim’s personal life, it’s like trying to crack a safe. He keeps it locked up tighter than Fort Knox. His fans are dying to know about his love life, but Tim’s lips are sealed. As for the rumors about his baldness and constant hat-wearing, well, Tim’s not one to address gossip. He’s more focused on his work and leaving the chit-chat to the rumor mill.

Tim Pool Career

Back in September 2011, Tim Pool jumped right into the thick of things with the Occupy Wall Street crowd. That’s where he crossed paths with Henry Ferry, a former realtor and sales manager, and together, they cooked up a media company called ‘The Other 99’. Armed with nothing but his cell phone, Tim started live-streaming the protests, chatting with viewers along the way.

Things really kicked into high gear in mid-November when Tim went all out, pulling a marathon 21-hour stint covering Occupy Wall Street’s eviction from Zuccotti Park. His unique blend of live streaming and aerial drone footage caught the eye of ‘The Guardian’, who questioned whether his methods bordered on surveillance.

Tim’s footage made its way onto big networks like NBC, earning him a nomination as a Time 100 personality. The Washington Post even praised him for showing activists the power of live streaming as an alternative to traditional news coverage.

After that whirlwind, Tim hopped on board with Vice Media, where he cooked up fresh content and pioneered new reporting techniques. But there was no slowing him down. 2013 and 2014 saw him visit Ukraine to document the demonstrations that ultimately to the Yanukovych regime’s fall. Furthermore, he promptly started reporting on protests taking place in Ferguson, Thailand, Turkey, and Egypt, among other places.

His efforts were not in vain. He won the 2013 Shorty Award for “Best Journalist in Social Media.” Then, in 2014, he joined FusionTV, wearing hats as the Director of Media Innovation and Senior Correspondent. Oh, and on top of all that, he even had a hand in launching an app called ‘Taggy.ly’, which watermark photos like a pro.

Tim Pool Net Worth

Tim Pool’s sitting pretty with a net worth of around $5 million. How’s he bringing in the dough? He’s doing a lot of things these days, like hosting podcasts, creating YouTube videos, expressing his political opinions, and performing traditional journalism.

Still, his live broadcasts from the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests were what really ignited a conversation.  That really made him stand out.

He has been working hard ever then, switching between jobs at Vice Media and Fusion TV and using YouTube and other channels to share his message.

Regarding his income, rumors have it that he makes roughly $500,000. Not too bad, would you say? Most of that’s coming from his YouTube hustle, where he’s making bank from ads and sponsorships. For every thousand views he gets, he’s pocketing a cool $3 to $7. Talk about turning your passion into profit!

Tim Pool Assets

Tim’s pulling in some serious cash from his YouTube channels. Let’s break it down: his Timcast channel’s bringing in around $311,800, Timcast IRL’s raking in a whopping $943,000, and even his Cast Castle channel’s adding another $45,000 to the pot. That’s some serious bank!

But more than simply advertising money is lining his coffers. Across 100 videos, Timcast IRL generated a whopping $65,824.86 in non-advertising revenue between October 2020 and November 2021. Talk about diversifying your income streams!

Tim’s really making waves as a journalist and content creator, and he’s not even hitting middle age yet. He’s definitely someone to keep an eye on in the media world.

Tim Pool Wife

Tim Pool’s love life is a bit of a mystery, but according to the grapevine, he’s been seeing someone named Alison Neubauer. So while marriage might not be on the cards just yet, it seems like Tim’s got someone special in his life.

Tim Pool Social Media 

In 2016, Tim was on the ground covering the Milwaukee riots, bringing real-time updates to viewers. The following year, he jetted off to Sweden to dig into the refugee situation and the infamous “no-go-zones” claims. And get this – his trip was funded by a generous $2,000 donation from Watson.

2019 was a big year for Tim. He was invited to appear on Joe Rogan’s well-liked podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” where he surely offered some of his signature wisdom. Not only that, but President Trump himself extended a VIP invitation to him for a White House event. Ah, to be able to mingle among the elite!

Tim demonstrated his entrepreneurial drive by co-founding the journalism company “Subverse.” The best part is that, in just 22 hours, they raised an incredible $1 million through crowdsourcing. But Tim was not having any of it. He wasn’t going to remain silent because he thought he was being maligned.


  1. Early Life and Career Beginnings: Tim Pool, born on March 9, 1986, in Chicago, Illinois, embarked on his career journey at a young age, dropping out of school at 14 to pursue entertainment aspirations.
  2. Rise to Prominence: Pool gained widespread attention during the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, where his live-streaming coverage garnered significant acclaim and media recognition.
  3. Media Ventures: He has worked with notable media outlets like Vice Media and Fusion TV, pioneering innovative reporting techniques and blending social and mainstream media.
  4. Entrepreneurial Ventures: Pool launched his own media venture, ‘Subverse,’ which raised $1 million in just 22 hours through crowdfunding, showcasing his entrepreneurial prowess.
  5. YouTube Stardom: As a YouTuber, Pool commands a substantial audience across channels like “Cast Castle,” “Timcast IRL,” and “Timcast,” with a combined subscriber count of 1.35 million.
  6. Recognition and Awards: His contributions to social media journalism earned him accolades such as the Shorty Award for “Best Journalist in Social Media” in 2013.
  7. Diverse Income Streams: Pool’s net worth, estimated at $5 million, stems from various sources, including hosting podcasts, creating YouTube content, and traditional journalism.
  8. Financial Success on YouTube: His YouTube channels generate significant revenue through ads, sponsorships, and non-advertising sources, with Timcast IRL alone generating over $65,000 in non-advertising revenue across 100 videos.


Chicago native Tim Pool gained notoriety for his creative journalism style, especially during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. His rise to fame on YouTube from mainstream media demonstrates his flexibility and passion of entrepreneurship. Pool, who has a $5 million net worth, is still thriving in the world of digital media, using a variety of channels to draw viewers in and spark interesting discussions.


What is Tim Pool’s net worth?

Tim Pool’s net worth is estimated to be around $5 million, derived from his diverse career in media, including hosting podcasts, creating YouTube content, and traditional journalism.

How did Tim Pool gain fame?

Pool gained fame through his live-streaming coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, which showcased his innovative approach to journalism and garnered attention from mainstream media outlets.

What are Tim Pool’s notable achievements?

Tim Pool won the Shorty Award for “Best Journalist in Social Media” in 2013 and co-founded the media venture ‘Subverse,’ which raised $1 million in just 22 hours through crowdfunding. Additionally, his YouTube channels boast a combined subscriber count of 1.35 million.

How does Tim Pool earn money?

Tim Pool earns money through various channels, including hosting podcasts, creating YouTube content, and traditional journalism. His YouTube channels generate revenue through ads, sponsorships, and non-advertising sources, contributing to his estimated net worth of $5 million.

Is Tim Pool’s personal life publicly known?

Tim Pool keeps his personal life private, rarely addressing rumors or speculation. While there have been rumors about his relationships, he maintains a focus on his work and professional endeavors.

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